"When you're finished changing, you're finished." - Benjamin Franklin
Change is the only constant. When we think about this, we might feel rattled. As human beings, we tend to prefer things to stay as they are. What is familiar and what we know feels safe, and we are drawn to it. It is a safety mechanism that is hard-wired in us. Unfortunately, life is full of changes. Some are of our own choice and can be planned and yet, the newness attached to them and unsuspected outcomes can catch us unaware. Other changes are out of our hands and simply happen us such a redundancy, a break-up, the death of a loved one or a natural disaster.
As certainty fades away in the face of change, you may become anxious and fearful, maybe depressed even. You may feel inadequate to meet new expectations or overwhelmed by what is asked of you. You may want to hold on to familiarity through denial and not dealing with the change. You might spend your waking days trying to push through discomfort, anger, fear and grief, only to lay awake in the middle of the night unable finally to escape your thoughts and feelings. Or find yourself bursting into tears at the most inconvenient moments. Or lash out in anger at your loved ones. You need to accept change for life to eventually resume some stability, but you may feel very little equipped to move forward in your new circumstances and make meaning of them in a positive way.
Seeking counselling to manage change and life transitions is a step towards regaining balance and a sense of control.
Counselling offers an empathetic and non-judgmental space where you can safely articulate all your thoughts and feelings, regain your internal balance and start looking for a way forward.
I understand the natural pain, anger and resistance that change can trigger, as well as the freedom and peace that comes from acceptance. I offer tools for immediate relief and to help you identify the skills you already have to manage the situation, as well as develop new skills. I offer a focus on the most immediate issue as well as an interest in life-long patterns that can provide insight into how your current experience may be meaningful within the wider scope of your life. Together, we can identify the strengths that will help you navigate the situation and develop strategies so you feel in charge of your experience. As reassurance about your ability to cope grows, you can take the steps necessary to manage and actively shape your new circumstances, ultimately finding acceptance and making positive meaning of the events.
Contact me to take the next step in finding peace and confidence.